Search Result of "Cengage Learning, Inc, 2011" 5 Results found
Aerospace Engineering : From the Ground up
629.1 SEN a
Publisher: Cengage Learning, Inc, 2011, Collation: xv, 300 hal.: ilus.: eng.; 27 cm, Language: Indonesia
Math Principles for Food Service Occupations
647.950 STR m
Publisher: Cengage Learning, Inc, 2011, Collation: xxi, 373 hal.: ilus.: eng.; 28 cm, Language: Indonesia
Beginning digital from a VHDL perspective
621.392 MEA b
Publisher: Cengage Learning, Inc, 2011, Collation: x, 603 hal.: ilus.: Eng.: 27,5 cm, Language: Indonesia
Solid waste engineering second edition
628.44 WOR s
Publisher: Cengage Learning, Inc, 2011, Collation: xxii, 401 hal.: ilus.: Eng.; 23 cm, Language: Indonesia
Skin care Beyond the Basics
646.7 LEE s
Publisher: Cengage Learning, Inc, 2011, Collation: xii, 514 hal.: ilus.: eng.; 28 cm, Language: Indonesia