Search Result of "Penguin Books" 60 Results found
MacArthur's Spies : the soldier, the singer, and the spymaster who defied the japanses in world war II
Publisher: Penguin Books, Collation: xv,348 hlm.; ilus.; 21 cm., Language: English
Leaders Myth and Reality
658.409 2
Publisher: Penguin Books, Collation: xiii, 458 hlm,;20 cm., Language: English
Genghis Khan AndThe Quest For God : How The World's Greatest Conqueror Gave Us Religious Freedom
Publisher: Penguin Books, Collation: xv, 398 hlm ; 21 cm., Language: English
Churchill And Orwell : The Fight For Freedom
941.084 092
Publisher: Penguin Books, Collation: 327 hlm ;21 cm., Language: English
The Plantagenets : The Warrior Kings And Queens Who Made England
Publisher: Penguin Books, Collation: 519 hlm ; 21 cm., Language: English
The Upright Thinkers the human journey from living in trees to understanding the cosmos
Publisher: Penguin Books, Collation: 340 hlm.; 20 cm., Language: English
Knife Fights a memoir of modern war in theory and practice
Publisher: Penguin Books, Collation: 269 hlm.; ilus.; 21 cm., Language: English
The Narrow Corridor how nations struggle for liberty
Publisher: Penguin Books, Collation: xix,556 hlm.; ilus,; 22 cm., Language: English
Religious Freedom a selection
342.730 8
Publisher: Penguin Books, Collation: xxiii,217 hlm.; 19 cm., Language: English