Search Result of "New York: Plenary Publication International; 1977" 2 Results found
The family creative workshop silversmithing, skin painting, smocking, ì soapbox and bath products, soft sculpture, soups spinning, spool ì toys, sprang
R 643.071 52 FAM-4
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1977, Collation: 128 Hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
The family creative workshop stencilling, stone painting, string art, ì sugar shape, sundials, supergraphics,swedish huckaback, swings table ì games, table and benches, tablet and frame weaving
R 643.071 52 FAM-17
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1977, Collation: 128 Hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia