Search Result of "New York: Plenary Publication International; 1975" 8 Results found
The family creative workshop home-finished furrniture, hooked rugs, ì ice cream, sorbetss and ices ikebana, inkle weaving, jewellery, keleidoscopes, ì kayaks, kilns, kites, knitting to fit, lace
R 643.071 52 FAM-2
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1975, Collation: 128 Hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
The family creative workshop acrylics, aeroplanes of paper, afgan ì stitch, american indian crafts, animal dolls, ant farms, antiquing ì furniture, applique, astronomy, baby foods, basketry, batik
R 643.071 52 FAM
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1975, Collation: 128 Hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
The family creative workshop boxes, braided rugs,breads, bread sculpture, ì brewing, bottons, caligraphy, cameras, candlemaking, caning and rushing, ì canoeing, cardbiard, card triks
R 643.071 52 FAM-5
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1975, Collation: 128 Hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
The family creative workshop pin striping, pipe making, plastic pipe ì construktions, playwood and foam furnishings, pod and cone art, potpourris ì and pomanders pottery, pre school activities, puppetry, puzzles
R 643.071 52 FAM-6
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1975, Collation: 128 Hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
The family creative workshop lamps and shades, lapidary, leaded glass, ì leather working, lighted indoor gardens, linoleum and woodcuts, machine ì stitchery, macrame, magic maps and pathfinding
R 643.071 52 FAM-8
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1975, Collation: 128 Hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
The family creative workshop carryalls, cartoons, carving, casting, ì ceramics, cheeses and churning, christmas celebration, collages and ì assemblages, colonials crafts, colour psychology, confections and ì comfits, cosmetics
R 643.071 52 FAM-12
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1975, Collation: 128 Hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
The family creative workshop enamelling metal, fantasy flowers, framing, ì fur re-cycling, gingerbreads, glassworking, goldleafing, granny squares, ì hammocks and slings, hardanger embroidery, heraldry, herbs
R 643.071 52 FAM-13
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1975, Collation: 128 Hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Aneka hobi rumah tangga perabot pelituran sendiri permadani sulam ì es krim serbat dan es ikebana tenunan setagi perhiasan kaleidoskop ì kayak tanur layang-layang rajutan yang kena renda
R 643.071 ANE
Publisher: New York: Plenary Publication International; 1975, Collation: 127 hal.: ; 28 cm.;, Language: Indonesia