Search Result of "New Jersey: Pearson, 2005" 4 Results found

The secrets of economic indicators: hidden clues to future econoimic trnds and investmnet oppurtinities

V 330.122 BAU s
Publisher: New Jersey: Pearson, 2005, Collation: xxi, 366 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm, Language: Indonesia

Strategic management: concepts and cases

V 658.001 DAV s
Publisher: New Jersey: Pearson, 2005, Collation: xxxii, 432 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm, Language: Indonesia

Finding fertile ground: identifying extraordinary opportunities for new ventures

338.04 SHA f
Publisher: New Jersey: Pearson, 2005, Collation: xxix, 219 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm, Language: Indonesia

C++ how to program

V 001.64 DEI c
Publisher: New Jersey: Pearson, 2005, Collation: liii, 1375 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm, Language: Indonesia