Search Result of "America : Oxford University Press, 2014" 5 Results found
The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology
R 415.9 OXF
Publisher: America : Oxford University Press, 2014, Collation: xxvi, 927 hlm.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm, Language: English
Making New Words: Morphological Derivation In English
421 DIX m
Publisher: America : Oxford University Press, 2014, Collation: xvi, 448 hal.: ilus.; 25 cm., Language: English
The positions of adjectives in english
425 MAT p
Publisher: America : Oxford University Press, 2014, Collation: viii, 191 hlm.;ind.ilus.: 24 cm, Language: English
Continuations and Natural Language
425 BAR c
Publisher: America : Oxford University Press, 2014, Collation: xix,228 hlm.: ind.;illus.;23 cm, Language: English
Syntactic reconstruction and proto - germanic
435 WAL p
Publisher: America : Oxford University Press, 2014, Collation: xv,277 hlm.: ind.; illus.;24 cm, Language: English