Search Result of "Twist, Clint" 3 Results found
Encyclopedia of science life on earth fossils and human ancestors ì the basics of life
R 503 TWI e-4
Publisher: New York: Macmillan Pub.Co.; 1991, Collation: 96 hal.: ilus.:ind.; 28 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Encyclopedia of science 7 the environment ecology, pollution and agriculture
R 503 TWI e-7
Publisher: New York: Macmillan Pub.Co.; 1991, Collation: 96 hal.: ilus.:ind.; 28 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Encyclopedia of science 9 fuel and power
R 503 TWI e-9
Publisher: New York: Macmillan Pub.Co.; 1991, Collation: 96 hal.: ilus.:ind.; 28 cm.;, Language: Indonesia