Search Result of "Smith, J.M" 5 Results found

The passage

823 PAL p
Publisher: Melbourne: F.W. Cheshire; 1959, Collation: 271 hal.: ; 18 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics

660.2 SMI i
Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill; 1975, Collation: xv, 632 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics

660.2 SMI i
Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill; 1975, Collation: xv, 632 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Introduction to chemical engineering thermodinamics

V 660.296 9 SMI i
Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001, Collation: xviii, 789 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm, Language: Indonesia

Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics

660.2 SMI i
Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill; 2005, Collation: xv, 632 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm, Language: Indonesia