Search Result of "Riyanto, Slamet" 3 Results found
The complete book of the IELTS preparation : panduan persiapan tes IELTS
428.007 6
Publisher: Andi, Collation: vi, 330 hlm.; 23 cm, Language: English
How Do They Say Them In English ?
428 RIY h
Publisher: , Collation: x, 270 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm, Language: Indonesia
The 1st student`s choice toefl preparation [test of english as a foreign language ]=Panduan praktis persiapan tes toefl untuk meraih skor toefl tinggi
420 RIY f
Publisher: Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2008, Collation: xiii, 430 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm, Language: Indonesia