Search Result of "Paasche, Carol L." 5 Results found
Buku materi pokok I Bahasa Indonesia Ejaan dan tanda baca unit 112/ ì 1/01
499.221 AKH b
Akhadiah, Sabarti,
I. Arsjad, Maidar,
II. Ridwan, Sakura,
Paasche, Carol L.,
I. Gorrill. Lola II. Strom, Bev,
Publisher: Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka DEPDIKBUD; 1985, Collation: 41 hal.: ; 29 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Children with spesial needs in early chilhood settings identification, ì intervention, mainstreaming
362.7 PAA c
Publisher: California: Addison-Wesley; 1990., Collation: vii, 128 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Buku materi pokok bahasa Indonesia Modul 1-3
499.221 AKH b
Akhadiah, Sabarti,
I. Arsjad, Maidar,
II. Ridwan, Sakura,
Paasche, Carol L.,
I. Gorrill. Lola II. Strom, Bev,
Publisher: Jakarta: Univ. Terbuka Depdikbud; 1985., Collation: 41 ha.: ilus.; 29 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Children with spesial needs in early chilhood settings identification, ì intervention, mainstreaming
362.7 PAA c
Publisher: California: Addison-Wesley; 1990., Collation: vii, 128 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Principles of guidance and pupil personnel work
371.46 JON p
Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill; 1951, Collation: xvi, 630 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia