Search Result of "I. Agne, Russell M" 3 Results found
Evolution of the vertebrates a history of the backboned animals throught ì time
596 COL e
Publisher: New York: John Willey & Sons; 1969, Collation: xvi, 535 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 21 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Dasar dasar keterampilan menulis
499.201 ENR d
Publisher: Jakarta: Depdikbud; 1988, Collation: vii, 279 hal.: ilus.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia dalam konteks
410.1 SUP b
Publisher: Jakarta: Depdikbud; 1988, Collation: v, 96 hal.: ; 23 cm.;, Language: Indonesia