Search Result of "Hayes, John P" 4 Results found
Computer architecture and organization
004.22 HAY c
Publisher: Singapore: McGraw-Hill; 1988, Collation: xv, 702 hal.: ilus; ind.; 21cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Computer architecture and organization
004.22 HAY c
Publisher: Singapore: McGraw-Hill; 1988, Collation: xv, 702 hal.: ilus; ind.; 21cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Computer architecture and organization
004.22 HAY c
Publisher: Singapore: McGraw-Hill; 1988, Collation: xv, 702 hal.: ilus; ind.; 21cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Information transmission, modulation, and noise a unified approach ì to communication systems
621.38 SCH i
Publisher: Auckland: McGraw-Hill; 1985, Collation: xv, 646 hal.: ilus.; ind.; 21 cm.;, Language: Indonesia