Search Result of "Hardy, Thomas" 12 Results found
The Three Stranger and Orther Stories
Publisher: Dian Rakyat, Collation: 63 hal.: illus.: eng.: 21 cm.:, Language: English
The Return of the Native
Publisher: Dian Rakyat, Collation: 96 hal.: ilus,: eng,: 21 cm,:, Language: English
The Woodlanders
Publisher: Dian Rakyat, Collation: 96 hal.: ilus,: eng,: 21 cm,:, Language: English
The Mayor of Casterbridge
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, Collation: 111 hal.: ilus.: eng.: 21 cm.:, Language: English
Far From the Madding Crowd
Publisher: oxford university press, Collation: 104 hal.: ilus,: eng,: 20 cm,:, Language: English
The Return of the Native
Publisher: Rohan Book Company, Collation: 408 hal.: ilus.: eng.; 18 cm.;, Language: English
Tess Of The D'Urbervilles
Publisher: London: Everymans Library:1984, Collation: , Language: Indonesia
The Well - Beloved with The Pursuit of the Well - Beloved (1892)
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions Limited Cumberland House, Collation: xxix.: 327 hal.: ilus.: eng.: 19 cm.:, Language: English
Nilai anak dan tanggung jawab orang tua pada anak sebagai faktor-faktor penentu terhadap sikap keluarga berencana di kelurahan Tunggul Hitam kodya Padang
R 303 HAS n
Publisher: Bandung: IKIP; 1982, Collation: vi, 86 hal.: ; 21 cm.;, Language: Indonesia