Search Result of "Gagne, Robert M" 4 Results found
**Planning for teaching an introduction to education
371.3 RIC p
Publisher: , Collation: xiv, 464 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Principles of instructional design
371.3 GAG p
Publisher: New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1978, Collation: 310 hal.: ; 23 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
The conditions of learning
371.33 GAG c
Publisher: New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1970, Collation: viii, 407 hal.: ilus.; ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Essential of learning for institution
371.33 GAG e
Publisher: Hinsdale: The Dryden Press; 1975, Collation: 203 hal.:: ilus.:ind.;; 23 cm;, Language: Indonesia