Search Result of "Feldman, Robert S." 6 Results found

Essentials of understanding psychology

152.4 FEL e
Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003, Collation: xxxiv, 468 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm., Language: Indonesia

Essentials of understanding psychology

150.1 FEL e
Publisher: Boston: Mc Graw-Hill; 2003, Collation: xxxiv,468 Hal.: Ilus.;Indek; 30 Cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Essentials of understanding psychology

150.1 FEL e
Publisher: Boston: Mc Graw-Hill; 2003, Collation: xxxiv,468 Hal.: Ilus.;Indek; 30 Cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Essentials of understanding psychology

150.1 FEL e
Publisher: Boston: Mc Graw-Hill; 2003, Collation: xxxiv,468 Hal.: Ilus.;Indek; 30 Cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Essentials of understanding psychology

150.1 FEL e
Publisher: Boston: Mc Graw-Hill; 2003, Collation: xxxiv,468 Hal.: Ilus.;Indek; 30 Cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Essentials of understanding psychology

150.1 PEL e
Publisher: Boston: McGraw-Hill; 2003, Collation: xxiv,468 Hal.: Indek; Ilus.; 30 Cm.;, Language: Indonesia