Search Result of "Dickson, T.R." 4 Results found
Study guide to accompany Introduction to chemistry fourth edtition
Publisher: John Wiley & Son, Inc, Collation: 283 hlm.; 28 cm, Language:
Laboratory Experiments for introduction to chemistry
Publisher: John Wiley & Son, Inc, Collation: viii,; 239 hlm.; 30 cm, Language: English
Study guide to accompany introduction to chemistry
R 540.202 DIC s-2
Publisher: New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1983, Collation: 280 hal.: ilus.; 29 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Introduction to chemistry
540 DIC i-2
Publisher: New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1983, Collation: xvii, 540 hal.: ilus.; ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia