Search Result of "Carr, Robert K." 5 Results found
American Democracy in theory and practice
320 CAR a-1
Publisher: New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1961, Collation: xxx, 1024 hal.: ilus.:ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Daftar majalah dan surat kabar indonesia
R 016.05 DEP
Publisher: Jakarta: Depdikbud; 1972, Collation: v, 145 hal.: ilus.; 25 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
American democracy in theory and practice national, state, and local ì government
321.4973 CAR a
Publisher: New York: ;, Collation: xxx, 1024 hal.: ilus.:Ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
American democracy in theory and practice national, state, and local ì government
321.4973 CAR a
Publisher: New York: ;, Collation: xxx, 1024 hal.: ilus.:Ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
American democracy in theory and practice national, state, and local ì government
321.4973 CAR a
Publisher: New York: ;, Collation: xxx, 1024 hal.: ilus.:Ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia