Search Result of "New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003" 70 Results found
Analyzer and monitors: module 12211-03
V 661 ANA
Detectors, secondary elements, transducers, and transmitters: module 12205-03
V 621.381 DET
Instrumentation drawings and documents, part two: module 12202-03
V 720.28 INS
Architectural sheet metal: module 04308-03
V 721 ARC
Craft-related mathematics: module 12201-03
V 511.5 CRA
Raceways for instrumentation: module 12214-03
V 621.319 RAC
Control valves, actuators, and positioners: module 12207-03
V 621.8 CON
Process control theory: module 12204-03
V 621.381 PRO
Principles of airflow
V 697 PRI
Manufacturing processes for engineering materials
670 KAL m
Publisher: New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003, Collation: xvii, 953 hal.: ilus.; ind.; 26 cm, Language: Indonesia