Search Result of "London: Pearson, 2004" 14 Results found

Managing careers: theory and practice

V 331.71 BAR m
Publisher: London: Pearson, 2004, Collation: xvi, 299 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm, Language: Indonesia

The highly effective marketing plan

V 380.13 KNI h
Publisher: London: Pearson, 2004, Collation: vii, 168 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm, Language: Indonesia

Women, men and language

V 306.44 COA w
Publisher: London: Pearson, 2004, Collation: xi, 245 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm, Language: Indonesia

Retailing: an introduction

V 658.87 COX r
Publisher: London: Pearson, 2004, Collation: xxvii, 320 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm, Language: Indonesia