Search Result of "Boston: Pearson, 2004" 25 Results found
Distributed computing: principles and applications
V 001.64 LIU d
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: xix, 407 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm, Language: Indonesia
Internasional investments
332.6 SOL i
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: xxii, 760 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm, Language: Indonesia
Yucatecans in Dallas, Texas: breaching the border, bridging the distance
V 331.6 ADL y
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: vii, 151 hal.: ind.; 21 cm, Language: Indonesia
Understanding families: critical thinking and analysis
V 306.85 EGE u
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: ix, 134 hal.: ilus.; 24 cm, Language: Indonesia
Qualitative research methods for the social sciences
V 300.72 BER q
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: xv, 336 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm, Language: Indonesia
Solution to social problems: lessons from other societies
V 361.109 73 SOL
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: vi, 217 hal.; 24 cm, Language: Indonesia
Making bobfiction and other informational texts come alive
V 372.6 PIK m
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: x, 214 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 30 cm, Language: Indonesia
Multimedia design and production for students and teachers
V 006.7 COU m
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: ix, 206 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm, Language: Indonesia
Meeting the needs of multiethnic and multiracial children in schools
V 371.828 WAR m
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: viii, 248 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm, Language: Indonesia
The student guide to successful online learning
V 371.358 STU
Publisher: Boston: Pearson, 2004, Collation: xxi, 200 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm, Language: Indonesia