Search Result of "Pearsall, Ronald" 14 Results found

Jawa timur profil propinsi republik indonesia

R 301.5982 Jaw t
Publisher: Jakarta: ; Yayasan Bhakti Wawasan Nusantara, Collation: 420 hal.: Ilus.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Introduction to pastel and acrylic

R 751 PEA i
Publisher: London: Gange Books; 1994, Collation: 92 Hal.: Ilus.; 30 Cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Philisophy of biology

574.01 PHI
Publisher: New York: Mcmillan; 1989, Collation: ix, 349 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Introduction to pastel and acrylic

R 751 PEA i
Publisher: London: Gange Books; 1994, Collation: 92 Hal.: Ilus.; 30 Cm.;, Language: Indonesia