Search Result of "NULL" 14732 Results found

Swimming faster a compresive guide to the science of swimming

797.2 MAG s
Publisher: California: Mayfield; 1982, Collation: xxi, 472 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Teaching language arts a student and response centered classroom

372.604 4 COX t
Publisher: Boston: Allyn and Bacon; 2002, Collation: xxi, 554 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

The ethnography of communication an introduction

407.9 SAV e
Publisher: Massachussets: Blackwell; 1989, Collation: 315 hal.: ind.; 22 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

The skilled helper model, skills and methods for effective helping

371.4 EGA s
Publisher: , Collation: xii, 324 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Linguistik umum sebuah pengantar

400 ROB l
Publisher: Yogyakarta: Kanisius; 1992, Collation: xxiv, 555 hal.: ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Understanding second language acquisition

400 ELL u
Publisher: Hong Kong: Oxford University Press; 1985, Collation: 372 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Kurt Tucholsky 1890-1935 aspekte seiner person und seines werks

920 HIE k
Publisher: Bonn: Inter Nationes Bonn; 1990, Collation: 62 hal.: ilus.; 20 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Sejarah filsafat ilmu dan teknologi

109 SAL s
Publisher: Jakarta: Rineka Cipta; 2000, Collation: xi, 341 hal.: ; 21 cm.;, Language: Indonesia

Filsafat moral Kesusilaan dalam teori dan praktek

170 POE f
Publisher: Bandung: Remadja Karya; 1986, Collation: viii, 272 hal.: ; 21 cm.;, Language: Indonesia