Search Result of "NULL" 14732 Results found
The compact edition of the oxford english dictionary complete text ì reproduced micrographically vol II p sd z supplement and bibliografi
R 423 OXF c
Publisher: New York: Oxford Univ; 1975, Collation: xii, 678 hal.: ; 21 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Physical chemestry
541.3 ALB p
Publisher: New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1982, Collation: viii, 824 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 21 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Carub kandha carang seket
899.204 IND c
Publisher: Jakarta: Depdikbud; 1980, Collation: 770 hal.: ; 21 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Abnormal psychology
157 CRO a
Publisher: New Jersey: Adams and Co.; 1964, Collation: x,381 hal.: ; 17 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Adaptive education individual diversity and learning
371.394 GLA a
Publisher: New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1977, Collation: vii, 181 hal.: ind.; 20 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Kamus istilah teknologi mineral
R 549.03 KAM 2
Publisher: Jakarta: Depdikbud; 1985, Collation: viii, 180 hal.: ilus.; 22 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Anthropological perspecties on Educational
370.193 4 ANT
Publisher: New York: BasicBooks; 1971, Collation: x,392 hal: ilus: index; 26 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Pengantar fisiologi tumbuhan
581 SAL f
Publisher: Jakarta: Gramedia; 1989, Collation: xv, 231 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 20 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
543.5 SAS s
Publisher: Yogyakarta: Liberty; 1991, Collation: viii, 225 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Judging student progress
371.8 THO j
Publisher: New York: David McKay; 1969, Collation: 518 hal: ilus.;indek; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia