Search Result of "I. Shoemaker, F. Floyd" 14 Results found
Calculus and analytic geometry
515 STE c
Publisher: New York: McGraw-Hill; 1982, Collation: xvi, 1025 hal.: ilus.; ind.; 25 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Identifikasi obat
615 AUT i
Publisher: Bandung: ITB; 1987, Collation: 11a, 276 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Mengkomunikasikan inovasi suatu pendekatan lintas budaya
004.6 ROG m
Publisher: Malang: IKIP Malang; 1981, Collation: ii, 613 hal.: ilus.; 30 cm.;, Language: Indonesia
Communications of innovations a cross cultural approach
301.242 ROG c
Publisher: New York: The Free Press; 1971, Collation: xvi, 476 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm.;, Language: Indonesia